Beneficial winter looks

Lush. Is not the right word to describe the current outdoor look in northern Europe. Barren is more like it. Again picking up on yesterday’s topic though. There are still some interesting sights to be seen. Such as sculptures. They tend to stand out more when there’s nothing else going on. Or how about graffiti and a tree stump? A natural scene comprising common reed and icy crystal blue water is another one. Gotta keep an open mind and spot beneficial winter looks when you come across them. Here are some sights for sore eyes.

Beneficial winter looks - GardenRoomStyle
Beneficial winter looks - GardenRoomStyle
Beneficial winter looks - GardenRoomStyle

Sculpture in winter.

An icy garden outlook - GardenRoomStyle

An icy pond.

Common reed against icy blue water - GArdenRoomStyle