A fine place for learning plant knowledge.

What a fine place for learning plant knowledge! Told previously about this forthcoming event. Today it took place at the Alnarp location of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Working 9-5, learning was nothing short or hard labour. Exercise for the body as well as the grey matter. Grating if may have been, but also felt like I got value for course money. And the site was quite remarkable.

A fine place for learning plant knowledge - Alnarp - Garden Room Style
The Alnarp Castle, The Swedish Univeristy of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

The Alnarp Campus concentrates on landscape architecture, horticulture, plant production, agriculture and silviculture in Southern Sweden. Alnarp Castle, looking like a Castle but always having been intended for educational purposes, was completed as an agricultural institute in 1862.

Majest trees @ Alnarp SLU - Garden Room Style
Majestic trees at the SLU.

The surrounding grounds comprises thousands of trees, bushes and flowers, the landscape and horticultural laboratories, the rehabilitation garden and a range of beautiful buildings. The grounds of the SLU is also part of a wider park, open to the public 24/7.

Entrance to the perennial and annual gardens at the SLU. - Garden Room Style
Entrance to the perennial and annual gardens at the SLU.

Find this a really great idea. It’s like a botanical garden but with a wider remit, people can come and go as they like (no restricted entrance). If they are interested in plants, they can check out the tags and learn. If only wanting a stroll so be it. Personally, I found the lack of seating an issue after hours of walking around. Not only for tired legs, but for sitting down and take in the vista, spending some time contemplating. Small design thoughts in a big garden world.

A fine building covered in a vine climber.- Garden Room Style
A fine building covered in a vine climber.