Writing on the wall.

Writing on the wall. - Garden Room Style

Writing on the wall often refers to an ominous warning; a prediction of bad luck. It can, however, just be what it says. Like here, for example, names carved into a rock wall. If you are looking for a cool garden design feature, look no further.

Guest names written on a granite rock wall - Gothenburg, Sweden- GardenRoomStyle
Names carved into a rock wall @ S A Hedlund’s park, Gothenburg, Sweden.

The area surrounding the rock above was once upon a time the country estate of a well-known newspaper man who liked to invite inspirational people during the summer months. The guest’s names were ‘It’ people in Gothenburg (and Sweden) in the late 19th century. Talk about leaving their mark!

Poetry carved into the rock at Keiller's Park, Gothenburg, Sweden - Garden Room Style
Poetry carved into the rock at Keiller’s Park, Gothenburg, Sweden.

A kilometer or so away there’s another park. The land was purchased by wealthy business man James Keiller, who in the late 19th century donated it to the City of Gothenburg with the stipulation that it should be turned into a public park. The prevailing architectural and landscape design fashion at the time was steeped in national romantic sentiments. This style looked to medieval and even earlier precedents in order to create a new reformed domestic architecture. Here this is obvious in the inscribed text where the letters are highly reminiscent of ancient runes. It’s all in the detail …

Instructions carved into a rock at Keiller's Park, Gothenburg, Sweden. - Garden Room Style
Instructions carved into a rock at Keiller’s Park, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Instructions carved into a rock at Keiller's Park, Gothenburg, Sweden. - Garden Room Style
Instructions carved into a rock at Keiller’s Park, Gothenburg, Sweden.