Plant of the week – Acanthus mollis

Just look at those leaves! Large, wonderfully glossy moss green with high definition veins. And to think that I took this picture in London in late January. Plant of the weekAcanthus mollis looks like it belongs in a far more exotic climate. Having never seen this plant before I was rather taken aback. Why aren’t those leaves seen more often! A sight for sore eyes that time of the year.

Plant of the week - Acanthus mollis - GardenRoomStyle

Plant of the week – Acanthus mollis

Aka bear’s breech this is a robust herbaceous perennial which in theory is deciduous. In mild climates, however, it will keep its leaves in winter. In summer it will sprout enormous dusky purple bracts making it reach a height of up to 1.5 m. So plenty of interest going on here all year round. A word of warning though, it might spread rather agressively by creeping rootstocks. Which makes me think that it would be ideal for container planting, or like here, in a raised border.

Plant of the week - Acanthus mollis - GardenRoomStyle

Acanthus mollis is a flexible plant in terms of soil, but it needs to be well-drained. It tolerates full and partial shade as well as full sun, optimal location will depend on climate. More sun would be required in cooler climes. It’s native to the Mediterranean region. Since ancient times the leaves have acted as inspiration for making foliage ornament and decoration. I can understand why! Just bring it on no matter what the garden design style, but mind the roots.

Plant of the week - Acanthus mollis - GardenRoomStyle